San Leandro Tech Campus

November 17, 2015

Transformation Event Photos

Thank you to all who attended TRANSFORMATION, a San Leandro By Design event, for a discussion about the importance of public art, transit and vibrant public spaces to our communities. The event exceeded our expectations, and we cannot thank you enough for participating in this important conversation. Here are some photos from the event. TRANSFORMATION_Audience_X2_29SEP15.JPG



Gaye and Sunny Gaye and Sunny TIB Abby Thorne Lyman
Ben Davis Greg Tung Speaker
Gaye Quinn and Audience Rebecca Saltzman Marco Cochrane
Mayor Cutter City Council TRANSFORMATION Panel
R. Raburn TRANSFORMATION Audience Gaye Quinn and Mayor Cutter
Sunny Ben, Marianna and Gaye W. Chan and P. Kennedy
Ben Davis, Marianna Leuschel and Gaye Quinn Ken, Hilary and Andres Torres Joanna

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